Geography of Egypt & Human Environment Interactions Lesson - MS Digital Resources

  • $6.00
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This lesson on human-environment interactions focuses on the geography of Egypt. Explore how people have adapted to life in Africa's Sahara Desert, the Nile River Valley, the Nile River Delta, Wadis, and Oases. The activities are engaging for students, and the guided 5-E format is easy to implement! Fill-in notes accompany the lesson.


Start with a fun warm-up activity called “Memory Game Egypt,” followed by a preview mapping activity about Egypt. Next, challenge your class with a “GSI - Geography Scene Investigation” that examines various human-environment interactions in the region. A printable “walk-around” poster version is also included for in-class instruction. Finally, students will create a “Cultural Landscape” project highlighting how Egyptians have adapted to their geography.


Your purchase includes both printable and interactive digital versions of the materials, making it suitable for traditional in-class learning as well as digital 1:1 classrooms. You'll have everything you need included!


Includes Microsoft Resources: Digital & Print

  • Guided 5-E PowerPoint Lesson
  • Fill-in Notes
  • GSI Egypt Activity
  • Evaluate Activity & Rubric
  • Answer Keys
  • Teacher Reference Guide


5-E Guided Lesson:

  1. Engage: “Egypt Memory Game” Warm-up Activity
  2. Explore: Preview Maps Activity
  3. Explain: Background Info, Vocab & Fill-in Notes
  4. Elaborate: “GSI: Geography Scene Investigation” Activity
  5. Evaluate: “Cultural Landscape” Activity with Rubric


Aligned with Social Studies Standards: CCSS, TEKS, ELPS & NCSS


Total Pages:  83

Time:  90 Minutes

Grades:  6-12