Types of Economic Systems Study Guide, Game & Test - Google Digital Resources
Review & assess various types of economic systems with this bundle of engaging materials! First, reinforce key concepts with a study guide & review lesson. Then, students practice applying economic vocab terms by playing a fun “$100,000 Pyramid” review game. Finally, assess your student’s learning with a 20-question, multiple-choice test. Your purchase has print & interactive, digital versions of the materials. Made for traditional in-class learning or digital 1:1 classrooms. Everything you need is included!
Includes Google Resources: Digital & Print
- Slides Review Lesson
- Fill-in Study Guide
- Review Game - $100,000 Pyramid
- Unit Test
- Answer Keys
- Teacher Reference Guide
Vocabulary Covered:
- Economic system, goods, services, wants, needs, commodity, supply, demand, scarcity, production, distribution, market equilibrium, factors of production, land, labor, capital, entrepreneur, ethics, industry, agricultural industry, service industry, manufacturing industry, natural resources, raw materials, profit motive, globalization, rations, barter, traditional economy, political ideology, economic spectrum, incentive, innovate, efficiency, free enterprise system, market economy, capitalism, command economy, communism, planned economy, mixed economy, socialism, quality of life, standard of living
Aligned with Social Studies Standards: CCSS, TEKS, ELPS, and NCSS
Total Pages: 62
Grades: 6-12
Time: 2 Days