PEGS Factors Word Wall Posters - Political Economic Geographic Social - Google

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Explore global world cultures by examining the PEGS factors: Political, Economic, Geographic, and Social. Display the colorful word wall posters in your classroom. Included is a PEGS reference chart for your students' interactive notebooks.


Social Studies curricula often change, sometimes drastically, from year to year. However, the PEGS factors serve as common themes that connect all Social Studies classes. Similar concepts are taught under different acronyms, such as PESTLE, STEEP, or PEST. Establishing a strong foundation with these concepts promotes vertical alignment across grade levels. Utilize PEGS resources throughout the year to enhance your curriculum!

Includes Google Resources: Digital & Print

  • 6 Classroom Posters
  • PEGS Reference Chart
  • Teacher Reference Guide

Aligned with Social Studies Standards: CCSS, TEKS, ELPS, GSE and NCSS


Total Pages:  10

Grades:  5-12