Continents & World Map Study Guide, Review Game, Test - Microsoft Digital Resources
This study guide, review game, and test for Continents & World Maps offer an engaging way to evaluate student learning. Start by reinforcing key concepts with a fill-in-the-blank study guide. Next, conduct a fun "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" review game with your class. Finally, assess your students' understanding with a test in three versions: on-level, accommodated, and modified, allowing for easy differentiation in your classroom. Both printable and interactive digital versions of the materials are included, making them suitable for traditional in-class learning and digital 1:1 environments. Everything you need is provided!
Includes Microsoft Resources: Digital & Print
- Fill–in Study Guide
- Millionaire Review Game
- Fill–in Scorecard
- Unit Test – 3 Levels
- Answer Keys
- Teacher Reference Guide
Continents & Oceans
Compass Rose
Northern & Southern Hemispheres
Eastern & Western Hemispheres
Prime Meridian
Tropic of Cancer & Tropic of Capricorn
North & South Poles
Physical Processes
Latitude & Longitude Lines
Cardinal & Intermediate Directions
Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America, South America
Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Arctic Ocean
Aligned with Social Studies Standards: CCSS, TEKS, ELPS & NCSS
Total Pages: 62
Time: 2 days
Grades: 4-9